About EV Focus

EV Focus is a project of the Institute for Energy Research, and serves as an information center for lawmakers, pundits, reporters, students, auto enthusiasts and concerned citizens seeking a balanced perspective on the future of electric vehicles. We serve as a one-stop-shop for EV and auto reporting.

EV Focus was launched in November of 2024 as a special project of IER, The Institute for Energy Research, a Washington, D.C.-based public policy organization.

Politicians, policymakers, green pressure groups, and subsidy seeking industries are exerting mass amounts of resources favoring specific vehicles within the marketplace through government coercion. The regular pronouncements of an inevitable “all EV future” beg for critical examination. EV Focus ensures that examination takes place and is available for all to see.

America needs to make informed, rational decisions about what drives automotive policy, whether and what actions are advisable, how effective they would be, and whether the benefits outweigh the costs.

EV Focus provides an up-to-date repository on the state of EVs for those considering the future of this public policy issue.

Given the uncertainty of future technological changes, public policy should prioritize consumer sovereignty as the guiding principle in shaping the automobile market. Consumers, with their varied preferences and needs, should have the freedom to choose the vehicles that best suit them, allowing the market to naturally determine the composition of the automobile industry. Consumer choices signal to producers what to supply: high demand indicates desirability, prompting businesses to increase production, while low demand may lead to reduced output and innovation.

When consumers express their preferences, businesses are motivated to innovate and enhance product quality to attract buyers. This competition results in improved products and services. In a consumer-driven market, companies must be accountable to their customers; failure to meet consumer needs risks losing market share to competitors, which compels firms to prioritize customer satisfaction. Ultimately, consumer sovereignty ensures that the market responds to individual needs and desires, empowering consumers to make choices aligned with their values. This approach allows for a diverse range of options, including internal combustion engines, hybrids, electric vehicles, and future innovations in transportation. It guarantees access to mobility, a cornerstone of American life that has fueled our dynamism and growth for over a century.


About The Institute for Energy Research

The Institute for Energy Research (IER) is a not-for-profit organization that conducts intensive research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets. IER maintains that freely-functioning energy markets provide the most efficient and effective solutions to today’s global energy and environmental challenges and, as such, are critical to the well-being of individuals and society.

Founded in 1989 from a predecessor organization, IER is a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is funded entirely by tax deductible contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations. No financial support is sought for or accepted from government sources.